Friday, January 21, 2011


Through Easter we are studying the life of Jesus in children's church. (I think it can be confusing for kids that we celebrate Jesus being born at Christmas and about 3-4 months later he is crucified, so maybe this will help with that!) Last Sunday we learned about Jesus' baptism and talked about why we get baptized. We posted the names and dates of the kids who have been baptized on the set wall and reminded them of the commitment they made in front of their church family and that our goal as Christians is to live up to that baptism promise each day.

Another thing that is often confusing for children is that baptism does not wash our sins away, but it shows that Jesus has forgiven our sins. I always emphasize this to help them "get it". The last activity of children's church was a game where we had to put some pictures in order of what comes first . . .socks, then shoes; put your toothpaste on your toothbrush, then brush your teeth; the pitcher has to pitch the ball before the batter can hit it; etc. As we were wrapping up, I said so when it comes to following Jesus, "first" we asked Jesus to forgive our sins; "then" and the kindergartner beside me said "you advertise"!

I love it! From the mouths of babes! Baptism is our "advertising" and telling the world that we have decided to follow Jesus! Just as we expect a business or a political candidate who makes ad promises to follow through, it is our responsibility to fulfill the vow we have made to God and our church family! God is faithful and he will help us be so as we trust in him and walk in his ways each day.

Have you decided to follow Jesus? Have you advertised? Are you keeping your end of the bargain?


  1. LOVE IT - my class is doing this lesson Sunday and I am so excited about it :)

  2. To Cute!! You never do know what to expect
